The slutty Sambo received the news that Hao wanted to smuggle the counterfeit goods into the country at night. Hu went to inform Sister Jiang to get people to seal the boat, but he came up empty-handed. Hu was angry and continued to investigate, and finally found out where Hao's thieves' nest was. Zhu immediately went to inform the customs. Because of the previous experience, Sister Jiang asked Zhu to use sex as a trade before she would send troops...
The slutty Sambo received the news that Hao wanted to smuggle the counterfeit goods into the country at night. Hu went to inform Sister Jiang to get people to seal the boat, but he came up empty-handed. Hu was angry and continued to investigate, and finally found out where Hao's thieves' nest was. Zhu immediately went to inform the customs. Because of the previous experience, Sister Jiang asked Zhu to use sex as a trade before she would send troops...